A journey in to enchanting Antarctica

A thirty-meter high chunk of ice stands before us like a giant wall. We can feel the chilly winds against our faces as we stand on the top deck of the Ocean Nova. As we watch, a massive iceberg floats stealthily against a backdrop of white powdery snow, filling us with a sense of reverence. It encompasses the vista as far as we can see on the Admiralty Bay. These are some of the glimpses of the Antarctica experience with Lushescapes, be a part of this journey for a truly out-of-the-world experience.

Cruise through Antarctica

Our cruise ship glides through one of the most remote, cold and windiest continents on earth yet we're filled with a sense of calm in the midst of frozen Antarctica. As we gaze ahead, its hard to imagine that just three days earlier, we'd left behind a world of noise, concrete and chaos and boarded a flight from Punta Arenas, Chile to fly out to Antarctica. The endless snow banks lay across the ocean below. Back to the present, we mesmerized on the luxury cruise liner, knowing as we do that were indulging in a rare experience that few will encounter. Albatrosses fly above, and in the distance, hordes of gentoo Penguins waddle through the wilderness.

Unique wildlife experience

Over the last three days here, we have encountered elephant seals, chinstrap and gentoo penguins, petrels and snowy sheathbills; all living in harmony in this otherwise inhospitable environment. Back in the warmth of the spacious dining room, our personal guide joins us in a sumptuous meal. As we dig into the exquisitely prepared fare, he regales us with stories of the explorations the mystifying continent has inspired. We gaze out at the blanket of snow spreading across vista, and think of the life thriving in the midst of these extreme conditions, feeling humbled at the brilliance of mother nature.

Best time to visit

Oct- Mar

Ideal length

14-25 Nights

Best for

Couple | Friends

Experience includes

Whale Watching | Crossing Drakes Passage | Walk with Penguin | Swim in thermal springs on Deception Island | Experience the beauty of the Lemaire Channel

Estimated cost

USD 13,000 onwards

Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.